mcping API

The mcping API is very simple. There is a Java API at /api/java/, and a bedrock api at /api/bedrock/. To specify what server to ping, you append that server to the end of the URL, like so: /api/java/

The response will look as below, with an "icon" base64 PNG field added if the server has an icon. The latency is in milliseconds, from Chicago, USA. Keep in mind that some servers may use signcode colors for the MOTD and player sample. Your application should handle this. The player sample is often used for advertising, so take it with a grain of salt. The Bedrock API response is the same, with the caveat of never returning the icon. The bedrock player list may also be synthetic.

  "latency": 42,
  "players": {
    "online": 1,
    "maximum": 20,
    "sample": [
        "uuid": "bbb47773bb48438e806b7731b2724e84",
        "name": "mcping_me"
  "motd": "Minecraft Support Discord Testing Server",
  "version": {
    "protocol": 765,
    "broadcast": "1.20.4"
  "chat": {
    "preview": true,
    "signing": true

There is also a Mojang Services API, at /api/services. This is useful for checking if the authservers or Xbox Services are having issues. Example response below. The possible values for each field are DefiniteProblems, PossibleProblems, and Operational.

  "Xbox services": "Operational",
  "SessionServer": "Operational",
  "Mojang API": "Operational",
  "Minecraft API": "Operational"

You can also link to the ping page for any specific server. The format is<edition>/<address>. For example:

All API routes allow CORS with *.